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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Harrison's Birth Story (finally...I know!)

So this whole mom thing is definitely time consuming! Here is the story of Harrison's birth...I'll post pics soon! And update on how the past 7 1/2 weeks have been the most exciting, exhausting, overwhelming, amazing, emotional, etc. etc. time of our lives! :)

Baby's Name: Harrison Troy
Date of Birth: August 22, 2010 @ 1:10 am
Original Due Date: August 17th, 2010
Weeks Pregnant: 40weeks 5 days
Weight: 8lbs 14oz Height: 21.5 inches

We had an induction scheduled for Friday, August 20th at 7:30 pm. I had been having high blood pressure since my 37/38 week appointment and at my 40 week appointment there was a trace amount of protein in my urine. So we decided to not wait any longer. Plus I was very done with being pregnant! We checked into the hospital, got comfortable in our room, and cervadil was inserted at around 9:00 pm. Got some pain meds and a sleeping pill at 11:15 pm and pretty much immediately passed out. Around 4:00 am the contractions woke me up and I got another dose of pain meds and was able to sleep for a few more hours. Around 8:30 am my midwife came in to check me and insert a foley bulb. I was dilated to 2 cm at that point. The foley bulb was absolutely awful! I thought I was going to pass out when she inserted it. My cervix had shortened so the process of her trying to get a hold of it to be able to insert the foley was miserable! Once the foley bulb came out at around 3:30 pm I was at 5 cm. My water broke shortly after that. Well...very long story short after laboring all day (which there is no way I could have done without my wonderful mom and amazing husband there to help me get through the contractions...pitocin is no joke!!) by 11:00 pm I had stayed at 5 cm. My midwife said she would give me another hour and a half to make SOME progress...any progress...or we would have to have a c-section. He was laying posterior and his head wasn't pressing on my cervix to get it dilated any more. I was absolutely heartbroken! I cried from the moment she left until she came back to re-check. My poor husband was so sad for me...we prayed that whatever happened would be the right way for us to deliver and God would give us peace about it. My midwife came back and I had made absolutely zero progress. After that everything happened so fast. The nurses started prepping me for surgery and changing into gowns. My husband had to throw all of our stuff together and toss it behind the nurses station so they could bring it to our mama and baby room for after he was born. They wheeled me into the surgery and I was so freaked out. I just wanted my husband there with me the whole time. I had an amazing team there and everyone was so great. Unfortunately I hyperventilated on the table and the minute my little boy was detached from me they pumped me with stuff to get my heart rate down and my breathing normal. I don't remember much after that...just moments every now and then. My husband said I was talking crazy! LOL!

Going through a c-section and the first week trying to recover was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Luckily with the incisions I will be able to try for a VBAC with the next little one we have. As far as our little Harrison goes...he was completely posterior when they opened me up! The back of his head had entered the birth canal and his neck was hyperextended. So God definitely answered our prayer with the many reasons why a c-section was the way it had to be. Otherwise our little boy would have had lots of head and neck trauma. We are so in love with him and I have to honestly say, as much pain as that c-section was and how much recovering sucks, I would do it all over again for him in a heartbeat!

**the above is taken from my birth board on which I posted on 8/28/2010**

Monday, August 16, 2010


I am so not good at updating this thing!! quick overview of the past 2-3 weeks!

When I went in for our 38 week appointment my blood pressure was high for some reason. My midwife took some blood and did a cervical check. Absolutely nothing going on with that...he's locked up pretty tight in there...and seems totally happy with that! She then had me come back 2 days later to do an ultrasound and make sure he was ok in there. My bloodwork came back normal and the ultrasound was perfect. He was measuring at 7 lbs 6 oz at that point and my amniotic fluid levels were at an 18 (6 is when they start he has plenty of juice in there!). His heart rate is great (in the 140's to 150's). And he was sucking on his little hand in the ultrasound! So precious! So Tanya, Jason, and I start discussing induction a bit and decide at our next appt. (39 weeks) we'd set a date!

Went back the following Tuesday for my appointment, but unfortunately Tanya was booked so I met with the other midwife, Donna. She did another cervical check and there was still no change. I had been having a lot of cramping and contractions so I was hoping something changed...but no. Her and Tanya tried to schedule us to be induced that Friday (my blood pressure is still somewhat high so medically they feel comfortable doing that) but no beds were available. So we set a date for the next Friday, 8/20. We also had another ultrasound and a non-stress test. My sister Stephanie was able to come and see that. We got the most awesome pictures of Harrison! He smiled during the ultrasound and I about started crying it was so amazing! And he had his eyes open a bit. I just cannot wait to meet him! He did great with both the NST and BPP....made a perfect 10/10! So he's still content in there and I doubt he'll be coming out by his due date (which is TOMORROW!!!!!). We have our 40 week appointment tomorrow where we have another BPP and NST scheduled. Hopefully Tanya can change our induction date to Wed. night instead of Fri. night. Jason has class starting Monday and I don't want him to miss's hard to miss first days of stuff! But, obviously, if he has to he's totally ok with it!

In the midst of all that we completely finished the nursery! (Well...pretty much! We still need to sand and paint the dresser but that goes in the closet so it's no big deal.) It looks sooo good!! I love it! I've been having cleaning streaks where I just go crazy cleaning! I wish I would have some working streaks so I could be motivated to finish up my maternity leave stuff. Bleah. That's not so fun. Our hospital bags are pretty much packed...we're just waiting for either him to come on his own or Friday night! Please pray for us this week and that if we do need to be induced it will be easy and safe! I'm terrified of a possible c-section! And pray that Harrison rolls over...he's head down which is great but he's facing out (referred to as posterior or sunny-side up....which means BACK LABOR!! Yikes!). I just want him out safely so I can cuddle him...and roll over in bed without it taking ten minutes and waking up my poor husband to maybe give me a push! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Year

July 25th...the day we decided to let everyone know we were going to be together forever! What a great day that was! The weather was perfect (aside from being blazingly hot!) and everything was beautiful! I remember being so happy and not caring about anything except walking down that aisle and saying "I do" and kissing my HUSBAND! Sometimes I still can't believe that after so many years of being in intense like with this man (who barely knew my name) God would somehow bring us together! I love reading my past journal entries and prayers to God about Jason and the discouragement I felt at times. It just shows how faithful God is and how no matter what we think, if it is in His plan then it is going to happen! I even started dating other people and God brought me out of that and back to pining after Jason! It's hard to believe that a year has passed since that wonderful day...and so many crazy things have happened in just that year! Specifically in 2009...but the best one will come about in just a few short weeks! Here's a rundown of our life together so far:
  • End of September to November 2, 2008: Secretly dated! (That was fun!)
  • October 31, 2008: Our first kiss (" was it? Was it ok?!")
  • November 2, 2008: Made our relationship public
  • February 10, 2009: Got engaged!!
  • April 8, 2009 (I think...): Got our little puppy Kate
  • July 25, 2009: Became one flesh!
  • July 27-August 2, 2009: Honeymooned in Mexico...amazing!
  • November 24, 2009: Began moving into our new house!
  • November 30, 2009: Official close date of house
  • December 15, 2009: Found out we were expecting our first bundle of joy!! (And what a shock that was!!!)
  • August 17, 2010: Expected arrival date of this little man growing inside me who I know will look just like his daddy...hopefully with mommy's dimples!

So's been crazy! But amazing. And oh how I love this tall, bearded, funny, loving, musical, cuddly, SEXY, God-fearing man of mine!!

Here's a comment I wrote in response to his blog about our anniversary (which if you're interested in, and he's a great writer too!, go to ):

Happy Anniversary! (You should not request your pregnant wife read these while she’s at work by the way…you know I’m emotional lately!! These kids probably think I’m crazy tearing up over here!) I love you so much more than the day we got engaged…then the day of our first awkward kiss…then the day we got our first baby (Kate…who I know loves you more than me!!)…then the day we said “I do”…then the day we first woke up together…then the day we had our first fight…then the day you came home and I was wearing my veil crying in the closet because we didn’t have a videotape of our wedding and you reminded me of all the amazing moments of that day…then the day we moved in together…then the day we signed our lives away for this wonderful house…then the day my family told me how much they love you and we’re perfect together…then the day I saw that plus sign on that stick and realized we made something amazing together…then the day(s) of this pregnancy that you have shown me over and over how supportive and loving you are…but I’m sure not as much as I’ll love you the day we first see our child…the day I first see you change a diaper…the day you teach Harrison to be a wonderful musician just like his daddy…and so many other things to come that I can’t even fathom them right now! God sure knew what he was doing when He surprised me with our life together. As crazy and hectic as it’s been I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love you so much and can’t imagine a day without you!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gotta Catch Up!'s been quite a while since I've updated! And left the blog on a negative note at that! The past 4 weeks have flown by! We have had a lot going on since we were at 32 weeks. And now we're almost done with the 36th week and Harrison will be considered full term! Such a relief to make it to that moment! The past 4 weeks have been filled with trips...crazy summer school kids...and a wonderful baby shower!

My older sister, Vanesa, got married in Chicago on July 9th so we flew up there for that. It was fun to see family again. It was kind of hard too because everyone was so cute and tiny and able to bend so much! It's also really hard for me to depend on others to do little stuff for help me get out of the car and pick my 30 pound bag up. Just frustrating. But other than my selfish complaints of being pregnant the trip was great! Jason and I went with my cousin Michelle and her boyfriend into the city Saturday after the wedding and did a lot of fun stuff and walked around. It was good.

Summer school started right when we got back on July 12th...that was not so fun. It's still going on. Next week is the last week. It's just hard when I barely have the energy to clean my house...much less keep up with these crazy kids! But quite a few of them are pleasant to be around and have very interesting personalities. I'm kind of glad I won't be around for the start of the year...even though it will be really hard to have lesson plans and stuff going for the beginning. Oh is what it is!

July 17th was the baby shower! It was a lot of fun! Kristan and Cassi did such a good job with it! My mom and little sister Stephanie came into town for it. And so did my two good friends from high school, Mandy and Jessica! I didn't know they were coming so it was a great surprise! With the distance I didn't really expect them too because I know how hard it is for me to be able to get out of town for stuff. So that was really nice! We got a lot of good stuff for the baby. Hopefully we will be able to finish up the nursery in the next couple of weeks and just relax until Harrison gets here.

One last thing. This past Monday was my 36 week appointment. This is the lovely one where you get the Strep-B test and an internal exam. Those are always awkward...especially since I haven't had one for 9 months! walks my midwife with a med student. So I'm already uncomfortable and here is this young, skinny, pretty girl here to just observe. And I wasn't asked if it was ok...just told she'll be observing. I'm kind of mad at myself for not speaking up and saying I wasn't comfortable with it. And every time I let myself think about it I get super annoyed. It'll be interesting at my next appointment when I talk to her about it because part of my birth plan is no med students. And people tell me "oh...when you're in labor you won't care who's in won't even notice...after having a baby you won't feel like that anymore...blah blah blah" And maybe all of that is true. But I feel this way NOW. And I think those feelings should be recognized and respected. I understand some things can't be controlled when you're in labor. My birth plan might not be followed exactly. And that's ok. But the things that can be controlled should be how I want them to make me comfortable. It's my experience. Is that too unreasonable to expect? I really don't think so. And if that makes me a crazy pregnant lady who expects too much...well that's just too bad! :)

And Harrison is doing wonderfully, FYI! Growing perfectly (if not a little big...but that's to be expected!) moving around lots and giving mommy lots of heartburn and indigestion! So he better have lots of hair! :) I can't wait to meet him...he can come out anytime after July 31st!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Well dang...

Last night I hung out with Karyn and Brad finally! I haven't seen them since the baby reveal party really! It was good to hang out and catch up. Dinner was good and we had some amazing cheesecake from Cheesecake's by Alex! It was the white chocolate raz...which was our wedding cake also! We talked about baby stuff and pregnancy issues going on...Karyn felt the baby moving...Brad made a few typical Brad jokes...and we watched some Friends. Reagan has changed so much...she is so pretty! It's fun to see babies go from that cute but gender neutral type stage to "what a beautiful little baby girl!" Everything was great hanging out...then I went to the restroom. As I was washing my hands I decided to check out my belly...and that's when I saw them....stretch marks!!! I couldn't believe it. No more bikini' more having my belly just poking out...can't have pregnancy pics taken without worrying about that...ugh.

When I got home and was laying in bed all I could do was cry. It seems like such a trivial thing to be so upset about but I just can't help it. And I still have a little less than 8 weeks to go...who knows how many will be added. And these aren't the faint, silvery type of stretch marks...these are those red, spidery looking ones that can quickly turn into fire at a moment's notice. I'm just so sad. One thing my husband has always told me he loves about me is my skin tone and how soft and pretty it is. No longer. All those bottles of lotions...wasted...because it apparently didn't matter how much I slathered on my belly...those angry marks to remind me of how stretched out my skin is getting were going to pop up anyway.

And the absolute worst...I'm upset with Harrison. I don't want to admit that. I hate saying that. But I blame him. So now I'm more than ready for him to come out so I can forgive him for giving mommy ugly marks on her belly. Because I know as soon as I see that little face and he grasps my finger so tightly none of it will matter. The morning sickness, the cramping, the back pain, the shooting pain that makes me not able to stand, the 40+ pounds I've tacked on, no beer, no wine, limited caffeine, messy house, having to trade in my sports car for a family car, no 1st anniversary vacation, STRETCH MARKS (the last straw for me apparently!), blah blah blah...none of it will matter. And it will all be worth this little life we've created.

(I apologize for the gloominess of this post...I promise it's not always like this!)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Karate Chop!

Phew! This baby is working my abs out for me! Not to mention my bladder...lungs...ribs...stomach...kidneys...whatever else is in there he can play with...!! He has been the most active little boy the past few weeks! Last night Jason and I were just laying in bed and watching my belly moving and jumping around! I really wish we had a camera to record it before he runs out of room. Guess I should charge my camera! I can't believe we only have 8 weeks left! This pregnancy has flown by (as of now anyway...I'm sure given the next heat wave I'll be ready to be done!) Here's a pic of my belly, 32 weeks on the dot!

I am really hoping to get the nursery done by Tuesday of next week. Monday will be my first day of summer break (the very little one I have). I'm looking forward to resting and getting some stuff done in the house. I really need a housekeeper!

On another note, my good friend Emily had her baby boy yesterday morning!! Jacob Max Eddy came into the world at 2:30 am on 6/22 weighing 9 lbs 4 ozs and measuring about 20 in long! He is so cute and chubby!! Unfortunately he has a valve in his heart that didn't close so he's in NICU until that sorts itself out. Not really anything that isn't easily fixed, according to the doctor's, but they want to keep him monitored. It's preventing his blood from being oxygenated. So if you could say a prayer that that gets fixed naturally and quickly I'm sure the Eddy's would appreciate it! Here's a pic of the little (?) tyke!

Emily is doing great! She looked amazing last night...not at all like she'd been through over 9 hours of labor! Can't wait to see him and Harrison becoming great buds!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh Yeah!

This past weekend was a good weekend. My mom came into town and helped us get a crib. I can't wait to put it together and have the room all set up! It's such a daunting task though. We literally haven't done anything yet! Bought some paint this weekend and have an idea for the room...that's about it! Hopefully we can get the furniture moved out this weekend and paint the room. Maybe put the crib together as well!

The baby shower for work that Leigh threw for me was this weekend also. It was pretty fun and I got some good stuff. Lots of diapers and wipes. A few things from the registry. And the cake was super cute and super delicious! All in all...good fun!

Best of was the last day of school! Hallelujah!!!! Now all I have left is to clean my room out and some meetings. It's not like I'll even really have a relaxing summer. With all of the workshops and teaching summer school I literally only have 3 1/2 weeks off total. And 2 of those weeks are the 2 weeks before Harrison's due who knows how I'll feel or if he comes early. Oh well...gotta pay for this little dude somehow!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Connection :)

I think Harrison is starting to recognize Jason's voice! I'm so excited for that! It took Jason forever to finally feel Harrison kicking away. He saw him move a lot, but never felt him. The past 2 days whenever Jason starts talking Harrison will start kicking and moving around in there. It's so sweet to start noticing that connection. I cannot wait to see Jason and Harrison together. The first time Jason holds him, changes a diaper, feeds him...teaches him how to pump his fist just like daddy! The first time Harrison runs to him...the first game of catch...maybe teaching Harrison how to play guitar. My husband is going to make the best daddy and I just cannot wait to see it happen!! (Harrison, you're a lucky little boy and you don't even know it yet!!)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I think Harrison is going to be just like his daddy. Knowing lots and lots of facts that make you think "How and WHY in the world do you know that?!" Those types of facts that are usually useless, but interesting (or not). The reason I think this is because of last night. Jason had band practice for the worship event coming up so I was left all alone for a couple of hours. I fully intended to get some work done. I worked all through Wheel of Fortune, then decided to lay down on the couch for a few minutes. The second the theme song for Jeopardy comes on Harrison starts going crazy! He is kicking and punching the mess out of me for almost 10 minutes straight! If anyone were to peek in my windows I would have looked like an absolute fool! I was just laying there staring at my belly laughing so hard! Either he was enjoying the show, or he's as upset as I am that Alex Trebek shaved his mustache off...who knows?!

[Side Note: I am VERY excited about this weekend!!! My friend Leigh is throwing me a baby shower for work people and I can't wait! My mom is coming to help us get the crib and then we are going to pick some paint and, finally, paint the nursery!! Yay!! Maybe we'll even get around to putting the crib together! I'll be sure to take some pics and post for everyone to see!]

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the Home Stretch!!

So today marks the first day of the 3rd and final trimester for us! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! We are officially 28 weeks today. And there is still SOOO much to be done. I just don't let myself think about it because the stress would be too much right now! But here's a list of everything I can think of...I'm sure I'm missing something somewhere!

1) Clean out the garage and move guest bedroom furniture from baby's room to garage
2) Paint Harrison's room (so I guess I should pick a color and buy paint!)
3) Finish my registries (stupid Target losing my online one)
4) Paint kitchen and downstairs bathroom (once Harrison gets here I doubt there'll be time for that!)
5) Set up nursery
6) Pray someone gets us the important stuff (travel system, breast pump, and glider are at the top of that list!)
7) Don't go crazy...!

Only 12 weeks to go!

Pregnancy Update (3/19-5/25)

So I really want to catch this blog up on my pregnancy so I can start with new posts that match the date! Here's what has happened that is worth mentioning since our ultrasound where we found out we're expecting a little boy!

March 20, 2010: Had the gender party (still awaiting pics to post!) at Karyn's house. It was super fun and the cake was beautiful and VERY yummy! Jason cried (of course) and so did I :) We announced we'd be naming him after my dad, which is why he'll be Harrison Troy (Harrison was my maiden name and Jason and I both just really like the name Troy). Jason loves to come up with cute (and by cute I mean obnoxious!) little nicknames for our little man. Examples: Little Hans Solo...Chewy...and my fave...Little Indy (I'm actually approving the last one!). So he's been having fun with that!

April 1-April 4, 2010: Went on a little babymoon vacation to the mountains. The weather was perfect! We ate at a really fancy mexican restaurant one of the nights and just enjoyed being with each other and not having any other distractions. It was great and very relaxing. We were sad to leave.

April 6, 2010: Happy Birthday to Me!! I got lots of maternity clothes for presents, and Jason bought me some books to read to our little boy. Very sweet! :)

April 7, 2010: First day feeling LOTS of movement. I felt the occasional flutters, but this day changed everything! All day he was having a dance party in my belly! When I settled down for the night he got a little extra crazy! I was laying in bed watching TV and had my arms crossed over my belly. Guess Harrison didn't like the pressure and started kicking my arms! It was exciting to feel him move!

April 21, 2010: This day was a scary day. I hadn't felt Harrison move since early morning on April 20. Called Tanya to see what we should do and she told us to go ahead and come in to get checked and listen to the heartbeat. Well, the minute we check in and are waiting in the waiting room I think I feel the little peanut moving! Of course, it would work that way! We listen to the heartbeat and Tanya is even able to hear a few of his kicks on the doppler. I couldn't feel them but that was ok. Harrison must have flipped over and down and was therefore facing my back and the placenta was getting the full force of his kicks. Tanya recommended I eat something sweet, drink some caffeine and try to push my belly to make him move. It worked and he was back to his normal self that night.

April 22-May 13, 2010: Pregnancy is starting to take its toll! Every week for this time frame was something new to complain about! Holding my bladder is getting harder (so please don't make me laugh too hard!) Heartburn got worse, weight gain got scarier, back pains, leg cramps, baby kicking me in inappropriate places! Gah! Oh'll be worth it in the end!

May 14, 2010: Last appointment before heading into the 3rd trimester!!! Did not know this day would be extra eventful! Went for our appointment and heard our little man's heartbeat again. I just cannot get tired of hearing it!! Had a nice long list of stuff for Tanya to discuss, then talked a little bit about a birth plan. Fun stuff.

After our appointment I had a strong desire to eat some Japanese take-out from the mall. Jason and I were on our way there when we were rear-ended on a busy street. And not just a gentle nudge of a guy almost hitting his brakes in time. I mean, this dude barely tapped the brakes! Our poor car is a mess in the back and the truck won't open or fully close. Worse, my belly started hurting almost immediately. I think most of it was due to stress and a little bit from the accident. We called Tanya and she told us to go to Women's immediately and get monitored for 4-6 hours! So there went our Friday night! We ended up being at the hospital until about 11:30 that night. It was comforting to hear Harrison's heartbeat for those 4+ hours though! And he did not like those monitors being attached to my belly! It was the most we had seen him kick! You could literally see the monitors being pushed off my belly!

The next day Jason and I were both pretty sore. From then until now we have just been dealing with insurance and trying to get all of that taken care of. I'll be glad when it's all settled and we don't have to worry about it anymore!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

UltraSound Pictures!

We had our ultrasound on March 19th. It was absolutely amazing to see our little baby and to make sure everything was healthy and looking good. We didn't find out at the ultrasound (though a nurse did ruin it for me) but at our baby reveal party the next day. Lots of friends came, as well as our parents. Karyn did a great job hosting and everything was beautiful! Hopefully I'll have pictures from the party to post soon! But we did find out whether we'd be buying lots of blue or lots of pink soon....!!!

This is my favorite picture! ^^^

Tiny little feet...can't wait to tickle and kiss them!!! ^^^

Another fave of mine...looks like s/he's sticking it's tongue out at us!!! Love it! ^^^

And it's a.................

BOY!!!!! Harrison Troy Bunch edd 8/17/2010

"Can't wait to meet you little boy! Mommy and Daddy already love you so much!!!

Old Blog Post

This is a post (the one and only!) from a blog I started in March and never went back to. Enjoy!

So I know we've been pregnant for a while now, but I just decided to start blogging about it. It'll be nice to have for the baby when s/he is older. We found out we were pregnant on December 15th, 2009. It was quite the shock, since we had only been married for 5 months! But, everyone knew it was gonna happen since I'm not that great at popping my BC pills! We're extremely excited though and cannot wait to meet our little one! We are currently 17 weeks and 4 days, though that may change with our upcoming ultrasound scheduled for March 19th. We will also be able to find out the gender of this little peanut growing inside of me! I cannot wait!! Our friend Karyn is hosting a "baby reveal" party for us. She'll be the only one who knows what we're having and will have a blue or pink cake to let all of us know. (Thanks Cassi for letting us steal your idea!) It's going to be fun! Well, I just want to get up to date with where I'm at with the pregnancy, so I'm going to give a quick rundown of the past few months.

So we found out December 15th. Pretty much immediately the symptoms set in. I was so tired I could barely stand, much less keep my eyes open the whole day. Thank goodness we had Christmas break so I was able to sleep pretty much for 2 weeks straight! Our friend Leigh, Mike and Kristan were among the first to know. We kept it a secret from our family until Christmas. We told our parents by buying them presents that shared our secret. For mom a little willow tree figurine that was the grandmother one. For dad a really nice tumbler that said #1 Grandpa! And for J's dad a few bibs to keep at his place for future babysitting adventures! (He's practically impossible to shop for!) It was a lot of fun to tell them. The first trimester went by pretty smoothly. Everything has been very normal. Lots of nausea, a few episodes of getting extremely sick, and the exhaustion that wouldn't quit. Our first appointment with our midwife went great! It was so amazing to hear our little one's very fast and very strong heartbeat. Almost unreal! I can't wait to feel him/her kicking and moving so I know everything is ok. It's crazy how the worrying starts pretty much right away! I felt our little one move for the first time on February 19th. It was weird. It felt like marble being rolled on the inside of my belly. Since then I've been having random flutters, especially when I'm relaxing on the couch or in bed at night.
Well, I will try to post as regularly as possible. Definitely to share the news of next week! Praying for everything to still be normal come March 19th!

Trying this one more time!

So I have been wanting to blog ever since we found out we were pregnant. I really want something for our little baby to read and know what life was like before s/he came along and how excited we are s/he's on his/her way to change our lives! But, as most of my friends know, I'm not so good with the blogging and keeping up with stuff. But I figured I'd give it one more try and see if I can stick with it for the rest of this pregnancy and possibly/hopefully beyond that! And since I'm in my last trimester I have a lot of catching up to do!