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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Year

July 25th...the day we decided to let everyone know we were going to be together forever! What a great day that was! The weather was perfect (aside from being blazingly hot!) and everything was beautiful! I remember being so happy and not caring about anything except walking down that aisle and saying "I do" and kissing my HUSBAND! Sometimes I still can't believe that after so many years of being in intense like with this man (who barely knew my name) God would somehow bring us together! I love reading my past journal entries and prayers to God about Jason and the discouragement I felt at times. It just shows how faithful God is and how no matter what we think, if it is in His plan then it is going to happen! I even started dating other people and God brought me out of that and back to pining after Jason! It's hard to believe that a year has passed since that wonderful day...and so many crazy things have happened in just that year! Specifically in 2009...but the best one will come about in just a few short weeks! Here's a rundown of our life together so far:
  • End of September to November 2, 2008: Secretly dated! (That was fun!)
  • October 31, 2008: Our first kiss (" was it? Was it ok?!")
  • November 2, 2008: Made our relationship public
  • February 10, 2009: Got engaged!!
  • April 8, 2009 (I think...): Got our little puppy Kate
  • July 25, 2009: Became one flesh!
  • July 27-August 2, 2009: Honeymooned in Mexico...amazing!
  • November 24, 2009: Began moving into our new house!
  • November 30, 2009: Official close date of house
  • December 15, 2009: Found out we were expecting our first bundle of joy!! (And what a shock that was!!!)
  • August 17, 2010: Expected arrival date of this little man growing inside me who I know will look just like his daddy...hopefully with mommy's dimples!

So's been crazy! But amazing. And oh how I love this tall, bearded, funny, loving, musical, cuddly, SEXY, God-fearing man of mine!!

Here's a comment I wrote in response to his blog about our anniversary (which if you're interested in, and he's a great writer too!, go to ):

Happy Anniversary! (You should not request your pregnant wife read these while she’s at work by the way…you know I’m emotional lately!! These kids probably think I’m crazy tearing up over here!) I love you so much more than the day we got engaged…then the day of our first awkward kiss…then the day we got our first baby (Kate…who I know loves you more than me!!)…then the day we said “I do”…then the day we first woke up together…then the day we had our first fight…then the day you came home and I was wearing my veil crying in the closet because we didn’t have a videotape of our wedding and you reminded me of all the amazing moments of that day…then the day we moved in together…then the day we signed our lives away for this wonderful house…then the day my family told me how much they love you and we’re perfect together…then the day I saw that plus sign on that stick and realized we made something amazing together…then the day(s) of this pregnancy that you have shown me over and over how supportive and loving you are…but I’m sure not as much as I’ll love you the day we first see our child…the day I first see you change a diaper…the day you teach Harrison to be a wonderful musician just like his daddy…and so many other things to come that I can’t even fathom them right now! God sure knew what he was doing when He surprised me with our life together. As crazy and hectic as it’s been I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love you so much and can’t imagine a day without you!!!!

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