Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010


I am so not good at updating this thing!! quick overview of the past 2-3 weeks!

When I went in for our 38 week appointment my blood pressure was high for some reason. My midwife took some blood and did a cervical check. Absolutely nothing going on with that...he's locked up pretty tight in there...and seems totally happy with that! She then had me come back 2 days later to do an ultrasound and make sure he was ok in there. My bloodwork came back normal and the ultrasound was perfect. He was measuring at 7 lbs 6 oz at that point and my amniotic fluid levels were at an 18 (6 is when they start he has plenty of juice in there!). His heart rate is great (in the 140's to 150's). And he was sucking on his little hand in the ultrasound! So precious! So Tanya, Jason, and I start discussing induction a bit and decide at our next appt. (39 weeks) we'd set a date!

Went back the following Tuesday for my appointment, but unfortunately Tanya was booked so I met with the other midwife, Donna. She did another cervical check and there was still no change. I had been having a lot of cramping and contractions so I was hoping something changed...but no. Her and Tanya tried to schedule us to be induced that Friday (my blood pressure is still somewhat high so medically they feel comfortable doing that) but no beds were available. So we set a date for the next Friday, 8/20. We also had another ultrasound and a non-stress test. My sister Stephanie was able to come and see that. We got the most awesome pictures of Harrison! He smiled during the ultrasound and I about started crying it was so amazing! And he had his eyes open a bit. I just cannot wait to meet him! He did great with both the NST and BPP....made a perfect 10/10! So he's still content in there and I doubt he'll be coming out by his due date (which is TOMORROW!!!!!). We have our 40 week appointment tomorrow where we have another BPP and NST scheduled. Hopefully Tanya can change our induction date to Wed. night instead of Fri. night. Jason has class starting Monday and I don't want him to miss's hard to miss first days of stuff! But, obviously, if he has to he's totally ok with it!

In the midst of all that we completely finished the nursery! (Well...pretty much! We still need to sand and paint the dresser but that goes in the closet so it's no big deal.) It looks sooo good!! I love it! I've been having cleaning streaks where I just go crazy cleaning! I wish I would have some working streaks so I could be motivated to finish up my maternity leave stuff. Bleah. That's not so fun. Our hospital bags are pretty much packed...we're just waiting for either him to come on his own or Friday night! Please pray for us this week and that if we do need to be induced it will be easy and safe! I'm terrified of a possible c-section! And pray that Harrison rolls over...he's head down which is great but he's facing out (referred to as posterior or sunny-side up....which means BACK LABOR!! Yikes!). I just want him out safely so I can cuddle him...and roll over in bed without it taking ten minutes and waking up my poor husband to maybe give me a push! :)

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