's been quite a while since I've updated! And left the blog on a negative note at that! The past 4 weeks have flown by! We have had a lot going on since we were at 32 weeks. And now we're almost done with the 36th week and Harrison will be considered full term! Such a relief to make it to that moment! The past 4 weeks have been filled with trips...crazy summer school kids...and a wonderful baby shower!
My older sister, Vanesa, got married in Chicago on July 9th so we flew up there for that. It was fun to see family again. It was kind of hard too because everyone was so cute and tiny and able to bend so much! It's also really hard for me to depend on others to do little stuff for help me get out of the car and pick my 30 pound bag up. Just frustrating. But other than my selfish complaints of being pregnant the trip was great! Jason and I went with my cousin Michelle and her boyfriend into the city Saturday after the wedding and did a lot of fun stuff and walked around. It was good.
Summer school started right when we got back on July 12th...that was not so fun. It's still going on. Next week is the last week. It's just hard when I barely have the energy to clean my house...much less keep up with these crazy kids! But quite a few of them are pleasant to be around and have very interesting personalities. I'm kind of glad I won't be around for the start of the year...even though it will be really hard to have lesson plans and stuff going for the beginning. Oh is what it is!
July 17th was the baby shower! It was a lot of fun! Kristan and Cassi did such a good job with it! My mom and little sister Stephanie came into town for it. And so did my two good friends from high school, Mandy and Jessica! I didn't know they were coming so it was a great surprise! With the distance I didn't really expect them too because I know how hard it is for me to be able to get out of town for stuff. So that was really nice! We got a lot of good stuff for the baby. Hopefully we will be able to finish up the nursery in the next couple of weeks and just relax until Harrison gets here.
One last thing. This past Monday was my 36 week appointment. This is the lovely one where you get the Strep-B test and an internal exam. Those are always awkward...especially since I haven't had one for 9 months! walks my midwife with a med student. So I'm already uncomfortable and here is this young, skinny, pretty girl here to just observe. And I wasn't asked if it was ok...just told she'll be observing. I'm kind of mad at myself for not speaking up and saying I wasn't comfortable with it. And every time I let myself think about it I get super annoyed. It'll be interesting at my next appointment when I talk to her about it because part of my birth plan is no med students. And people tell me "oh...when you're in labor you won't care who's in won't even notice...after having a baby you won't feel like that anymore...blah blah blah" And maybe all of that is true. But I feel this way NOW. And I think those feelings should be recognized and respected. I understand some things can't be controlled when you're in labor. My birth plan might not be followed exactly. And that's ok. But the things that can be controlled should be how I want them to make me comfortable. It's my experience. Is that too unreasonable to expect? I really don't think so. And if that makes me a crazy pregnant lady who expects too much...well that's just too bad! :)
And Harrison is doing wonderfully, FYI! Growing perfectly (if not a little big...but that's to be expected!) moving around lots and giving mommy lots of heartburn and indigestion! So he better have lots of hair! :) I can't wait to meet him...he can come out anytime after July 31st!
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:-D Glad to hear you're in the home stretch mamasita! I think about you (and Harrison and Jason, of course!) every day! Can't wait to get that phone call/text message! *hint*hint* ;-)